Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Traveling DINKs are back!

The DINKs (Anne & Kevin) in 2005  taking in the sites of Symi, Greece (where they will be again in 2011).
Happy New Year!  Life always has a glossy, fresh feel in January.  Resolutions are made.  Then promptly broken.  Still, I want to give blogging another try.  As some of you may remember/know, I had a blog: http://thetravelingdinks.com/ during graduate school last year.  It was truly a class assignment and managing it--posting nearly daily--became tiring.  So after the class ended, I blew up the site.  Now that graduate school is done and I've had some space and time, I think it's time to give this a try again. This time, it will be more relaxed.  If I have nothing to report on the travel front, I may not post for weeks and weeks.  But with so many travels on the horizon--Asia, Europe--I just couldn't let 2011 go by without giving this travel blog another try.

So enjoy!

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