Friday, February 4, 2011

Singapore: Opening Thoughts

I am interrupting my diligent postings on our trip to the UK from last August to share some musings about our trip to Singapore.  I had heard mixed feedback from friends who had been there.  Some gushed. Others found it boring and soulless.  I have to say after visiting Singapore, Kevin and I fall in the gushing category--I loved it more than I ever thought I could.  This was our first trip to Asia and I have to say, Singapore is a great "gateway" trip for those wanting to ease into exploring Asia.
Business district of thoroughly modern Singapore.

First of all, it's easy.  No language barrier.  Safe. Clean.  Efficient.  Brilliant transportation infrastructure (I plan to devote an entire post the my love of the MRT--Singapore's subway).  Being ignorant about Singapore's history, I did not anticipate the diversity of this tiny city state. Chinese, Indian, Malay and countless other ethnicities live together.  Religious diversity is also obvious with Churches, Buddhist and Hindu temples and Mosques scattered across Singapore.

I will post about more about the trip in the coming weeks, but I have to say our trip to Singapore was fantastic and I returned impressed and inspired.

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